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Jiangmen Rongxin Plush Co., Ltd

Jiangmen Rongxin Plush Co., Ltd.



Factory Address: No. 52, Liyi Second Road, Lile Town, Jianghai District, Jiangmen City        



Business address: Room 703, Building 7, Zhifu Park Phase 1, Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City  

Direct technical consultation:13500279390 Mr. Huang

Direct sales service:13928260332 Miss Wu

Internet site:www.flock-rx.com


The clothes are all fluffy, how to wash?

Date:2016-07-27 Author: Click:


1. If you use a washing machine to wash, it is best to use a drum washing machine to wash, and only choose soft order. If it is best to rub gently by hand, do not wash it with a washboard;

2. Detergent must be neutral, such as: wash clean, soap tablets, sweater detergent, easy to use detergent or soap, otherwise the clothes can easily shrink;

3. Before washing, it is best to soak with cold water for a short time (10~20 minutes). The washing effect will be better. The water temperature should be as low as possible, and it must not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the clothes can easily shrink;

4. Washing time should not be too long (3 to 5 minutes) to prevent shrinkage, dehydration when using a dry cloth washing machine can be dehydrated, one minute is appropriate;

5. When the clothes are washed, the artificial drainage should be stacked. A large amount of squeezed out water or squeezed with a towel to squeeze water. At this time, the force should be moderate. Absolutely not allowed to twist, so as to avoid clothing shrinkage;

6. Soak the clothes into the water with 2 or 3 drops of vinegar for 5 minutes, then use clean water for 1 or 2 times to neutralize the alkali in the clothes, so that the wool fabrics are bright in color and soft in texture;

7. Drying should be done in a cool and ventilated place. Do not hang it. It can only be semi-hanged to dry, so as not to go out of shape. It can not be exposed to strong sunlight to prevent the fabric from losing its luster and elasticity, thus reducing the life of clothes;

8. Dry cleaning is recommended for high-grade full wool or wool blended with other fibers.

Fluffy clothes are best dry cleaned, because a dry cleaning has less impact on the plush, but also to consider the problem of the lodging of plush. If such clothes fall down, the reflective rate of the clothes will be the same. If it is hand-washed, it must be rubbed. Do not twist it hard and let it dry until it is half dry. Also take into account the button problem, buttons generally match the color of the fabric, and more use of polystyrene or metal shiny buttons, so when the best cleaning clothes to remove the button. For the ironing of plush clothing, it is best to use the portrait machine for ironing, but not on the splint. If there is no portrait machine, you can use the steam iron to burn the back face.

Article url:http://en.flock-rx.com/news/347.html


